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Example Web Application with ExpressJS + Ionic


  1. Install nodejs. Can be installed from official nodejs website
  2. Install Ionic. Run npm install -g ionic cordova


Setup Backend

  1. Go the Github repo that you have downloaded, e.g. <your/path/to/maxis-nbiot-hackathon>.
  2. The example project can be found on folder WebApplication/NodeJS.
  3. Go to the root folder of example project.
  4. Run command npm install to install dependencies.
  5. Create a file call .env at root folder of this project and write following content to the file.
    AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING=<your azure iot hub connection string>
  6. Finally, run command npm start to start the server.

Setup Frontend

  1. At the same folder WebApplication/NodeJS, go to folder named frontend.
  2. Run command npm install to install dependencies.
  3. Run ionic serve. Open browser at http://localhost:8010 to see the result.
  4. Run ionic build --prod to build production files, which can be served by express server itself. If server is running, you can browse http://localhost:3000
